CCRF Management GmbH, a company of CC Real, received the AIFM license from the Austrian financial market authority (FMA).
Following section 6 and section 4 of the AIFMG:
- Authorization to issue multi strategy real estate AIF for professional investors
- License to offer portfolio management and risk management services for special funds
CCRF Management is now fully licensed to manage alternative investment funds (AIF) for AIF Initiators as a service as well as issue own AIF.
As licensed AIFM – CCRF Management GmbH offers expertise in the concept and management of structures for real estate investments as well as alternative investment funds for professional investors. Further, the company provides structuring and portfolio management services for closed end funds.
The growing trend of private and institutional investors searching for professional, cost-efficient investment vehicles, paired with the expertise of CC Real moved the Senior management to combine both.
Fabian Kaufmann, CEO CC Real says the Company USP is to create an up-side potential in real estate and outperform the business plan. The AIFM licensed company CCRF Management GmbH is an important element in order to build the CC Real future Investment portfolio.